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In previous times, financial literacy has not been taught in schools. Instead, students are mostly taught how to become an employee and not much about how to be the employer. This book discusses the factors such as mindset, discipline etc. that will help parents to build wealth for their kids. It starts by breaking down how one can save, then invest a portion of what they save by taking advantage of compound interest through investments and end with a few suggestions on how one should protect the wealth they build for their kids and future generations. In addition to teaching parents how to build wealth for their kids, this book was written in such a way that teachers may adopt it in the 3rd – 12th grade classroom, and beyond, to teach their students about money management and wealth. Furthermore, this book has many activities with solutions aligned with the math standards for grades 3 – 12. There are also accompanying worksheets for the classroom to get students acquainted with financial terms and engaged in actives that will build financial awareness. At Sharpe Sessions, we are on a journey to educate 1000 families on how to build wealth for their kids and future generations. Join our campaign! 

A Toolkit for Raising Wealthy Kidz (Bulk Orders)

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