Math isn’t just about equations and calculations. It’s also a powerful tool to explore history — particularly women's history. By incorporating the stories of influential women scientists, mathematicians, and others into your math classroom, you can bring this critical aspect of the discipline to life for students.
Integrate Women’s History into Everyday Math Problems.
One great way to incorporate women’s history into the math classroom is to integrate it into everyday math problems. For example, use a word problem featuring data from one of Marie Curie’s famous experiments, or talk about Ada Lovelace’s role in developing the first computer programs and other activities involving famous women like Sophie Germain, Hypatia of Alexandria, and Emmy Noether. These types of stories can help your students see math as a tool for exploration and understanding, rather than simply a rote set of equations to be memorized. Whenever possible, find ways to include examples and stories of female mathematicians. The existence of female mathematicians has been ignored or forgotten throughout history, so by making them an integral part of the classroom experience you can help normalize the idea that math is for everyone. This will not only help engage your students’ imaginations but also shed light on inspiring figures in mathematics who have been left out of the historical record too often.
Encourage Discussions about Gender Relevant to Math Classrooms.
Personal reflections and mutual respect should be encouraged within the classroom to create an environment in which students are comfortable discussing the role that gender plays when it comes to math.Talking about these issues can help dispel stereotypes and open up productive conversations about what it means to be a mathematician, regardless of gender. It also helps make your teaching more inclusive and encourages every student to see themselves as capable of excelling in mathematics.
Study the Contributions of Female Mathematicians throughout History.
Exploring the contributions of female mathematicians throughout history is an important part of teaching your students about mathematics and gender. Encourage them to study the achievements of women like Ada Lovelace, Emmy Noether, Sofia Kovalevskaya, and many others to gain a better understanding of the countless groundbreaking contributions they made to the field. By recognizing their accomplishments, you can encourage your students to see themselves as capable mathematicians with their own roles to play in the field’s future.